Az egyszerűség diadala a vigalmi negyedben. Barbecue streetfood & BAR ahol minden lehetséges!
Barbecue streetfood & BAR
BBQ ételek a vigalmi negyedben
since 2016
2016 őszén nyitottuk éttermünket Budapest VII. kerületének vigalmi negyedében. Elsőként kínálunk ételeket a bbq technológia és street food műfaj különleges fúziójára építve. Húsaink egyedülálló módon, az étterem látványkonyhájába állított, faszén fűtésű, BBQ PIT BOX segítségével készülnek. Italkínálatunkkal könnyűszerrel vesszük fel a versenyt a város legjobb bárjaival. Vendégeink fesztelen hangulatban és egyszerű környezetben élvezhetik a szokatlanul izgalmas gasztronómiai kalandot.

Most of our menu consists of dishes that are roasted for a several hours at low cooking temperatures with beech charcoal and pure beech smoke. We offer classic BBQ dishes and sandwiches, presented according to our own ideas. Our most popular sandwich, called BBQ REUBEN was transformed from a classic Reuben that was probably one of the best sandwiches in the world, into an award winning icon of our menu. What makes it special is the "BpBARbq Twist”. The BBQ Reuben Sandwich earned the recognition of our guests as well as the KCBS’ (International BBQ Organization) 1st place in 2017.
BpBARbq Experience
Our catering ideas are also reflected in beverage supply, whether it's our premium beers, wide selection of Palinka or our BBQ cocktail specialties.
Our slogan is: Make yourself at home!
Without distracting attention from the culinary delights, there are several large TVs on the wall that allow you to enjoy sporting events in good company.
Based on our past experience, we truly believe that using low temperature, exceptional beech smoke and beech charcoal can provide not only an excellent texture, but also a unique taste for our meats, whether it’s poultry, pork, beef or any other raw meat.
The restaurant is symbolically and physically built around the Hungarian-made BBQ PIT BOX.
We have been expanding our machinery since Day 1 and have invested in this Hungarian brand’s small cabinet smoker and a special D-Oven as well. In the latter one for example, we can add the “BpBARbq Twist” to simple dishes such as meatloaf, potato casserole, and pork belly.
“Five Stars!”
Fantastic food. Excellent atmosphere. Wonderful service. When you visit Budapest you need to go and eat here. Do not miss!
Adag, íz, kedvesség, rugalmasság, kitűnő chiliszósz választék. Atom.
Best burger in Budapest. Huge portions, chips are amazing.
opening time
M-SU: 11:00 – 24:00
24. Akácfa street
5 minute from the Blaha Lujza square by walk, in direction to the Király street
2 minute from the 4-6 tram Wesselényi street stop by walk